Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Final thoughts...

Good exercise... I learned alot and there are some things that I was fuzzy about that are much clearer now. I do think this exercise would have been better done in the summer... there is just not enough time during the school year (for me) to give this the time it deserved. I hope to go back this summer and play around with some of the web 2.0 tools I didn't have time to look at.

Net library

I have had an account with netlibrary for awhile. I use it occasionally. It cumbersome to use with ipod I had, but I bet it would work great with my iphone. I will have try that.

podcasting, youtube...

I have been listening podcast for awhile. My church has podcast and I listen to them on my computer. I also listen to podcasts on my iphone. Youtube... who hasn't seen youtube? I found some cool videos on youtube for a book discussion I was doing on the 39 clues series. Several kids and taped themselves talking about the clues and uploaded them to the youtube. Amazing. Kids get all this web 2.0 stuff right away! One of my goals this year was to learn how to podcast and make them with my library team... that hasn't happened yet!

Web 2.0 links..

Interesting that I am already using so many of them. I looked at Digs.. very cool site. It is an interesting way to share information. I tried to look at a widget that is closing down on April 30. The tools are very interesting and figuring out how to implement then into the school library and into my personal life will be the challenge. I look forward to summer when I will have more time to explore these sites.


Wow! I love wikis. Reading and posting to the 23 things wiki was fun to do and fun to read. I can see so many uses for wikis both personally and professionally.


I had a lot of trouble with this one. I heard from Kiera that it is very slow and that may have been problem. Anyway, I get what it can do, but think can do pretty much the same job easier.

Monday, March 29, 2010 and Library 2.0

I love Great tool. I have been using another bookmarking site, but it is not nearly as good. I will definitely start using this bookmarking tool.

Library 2.0 - the look of libraries is changing. The look of the world is changing... faster than most of us can keep up with. I feel like before I have learned about a new technology and another one has taken its place. Am the only one who feels "off balanced" when it comes to technology? However, as librarians we have to be aware of these tools and implement them into our libraries. The challenge is keeping up!

Library Thing

Another tool I wish I had time to use! I also have an accounts with Good Reads and Shelfaria.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Image generators...

This took longer than I thought it would, but I was not familiar with image generators. Very useful... I am sure I will use these again.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

RSS feeds...

I have been using RSS feeds through Google for awhile now. Can save a lot of time... and there are some topics that I do like follow. For the most part I find that it is just something else to try to manage. Some interesting RSS feeds...

American Association of School Librarians
The Official Dilbert Daily Comic Strip RSS Feed
NYT > Books
Quotes of the Day
Washington Post Book reviews

well... okay... let's try that again...

Here it is! The tree. I love this tree and the composition of the picture.

Well okay...

So I think I did figure out how to upload the image....

hmmm I wonder if I am doing this right.... I just explored Flickr. Interesting place and lots to explore there. I choose an image, but I am not sure how to add it....

Thursday, January 21, 2010

And away we go...

I first heard of the "23 Things" at TLA last year. A librarian from Kansas gave the me information and website. I do remember looking at the 23 things and even attempting to learn a few of them. But life and other things got in the way and I didn't manage to complete very many. I am looking forward to beginning the process again... to finally completing the 23 things.

I will begin by blogging a little about me. I consider myself very lucky to have stumbled into a career that has brought me so much joy. After twenty-one years of being a school and public librarian I can say that it is one of the best decisions I have ever made. I like it all. Reading books, sharing books, ordering books... even cataloging books is something I love. Searching out and finding answers to obscure questions and helping students learn skills to find answers to their questions is something I find rewarding and interesting. But I also really like the techie side of the job. My first real challenge with automation occurred when I automated the school library where I worked in 1991! Those were before the days of "Tech Services" and if it needed to be done I had to figure out a way to do it. I can very clearly remember asking a computer salesman if I should buy a 286 or a 386 computer. He told me couldn't imagine why I would ever need a 386! In any case, the library did get automated and my career, that I thought would be mostly about books and kids, suddenly took a dramatic shift.